TIS is proud to be an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization and is committed to have an aggressive attitude within the organization towards the Quality of products and services and Customer satisfaction.
Since, we want to be ranked the best in our business, we consider the responsive Quality Management System (QMS) as a main pillar of our present business strategy and future growth.
Being an ISO-9001:2015 accredited Company, we fully understand & appreciate the QA & QC requirement to be fully implemented to carry out any job of Construction, Fabrication & Maintenance Projects. TIS relies on the rich experience, diversity and entrepreneurial attitude of its employees in achieving complete customer satisfaction while adhering to the specified Quality Standards. The TIS Management based on its aggressive approach and commitment has established the QMS that is appropriate to Tamimi Industrial Service’s processes and products.
This QMS includes a commitment to comply with ISO-9001:2015 Standard and continual improvement based on the feedback we receive from our Operations & valued Clients.

TIS is committed to Health safety & Environment above all else, and this commitment is pivotal to everything we perform.
TIS proactive approach creates value for our clients and safeguards our most important asset our employees. TIS entire team is dedicated to maintaining a high level of safety-focused and environmentally sound business. TIS Health Safety and Environment culture is promoted by each member of our team through implementing PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) Cycle linked with HSE practices on a daily basis.
Our HSE program is developed in accordance with the ISO-4001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, and everyone from management to tradesmen is involved in making a ZERO-INCIDENT workplace a reality. We use daily pre-task sessions, ongoing HSE inspections, weekly HSE meetings, HSE seminars, special equipment training, others. to making sure that everyone is safe & conducting its business activities in a manner that it protects & keeps the environment safe and health of each member of TIS family.
TIS is well versed with SABIC and ARAMCO requirements for HSE and has a qualified and approved HSE team to tackle any project executed for them.